Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Kids

Avery is so well mannered and her intuition is spot on.  Last year she had me talking circles to convince her that Santa Claus is real!  She is so smart - smarter then she leads people to believe.  When I get her one on one she amazes me.  I have been teaching Avery,Cullen and Addison geography because I am "geographically challenged" and every single time I do a review, Avery is the one who can always name all the states we have learned.  She is a wonderful artist using many colors in her coloring book and drawings with yellow always being her favorite.  She thinks outside of the box like most artists do... I can't wait to see what Avery does this year. 

Cullen - also known as C-Dog, is just as smart as Avery but thrives in group settings.  He is usually the leader when we do activities all together.  When he colors he always uses the color blue, however; I have been trying to break him of this habit so he is expanding his color choices in select art pieces.  Cullen is so polite when he wants to be.  He is always asking me how I am doing, he opens doors for me and his sisters and he is so good with Olivia and Sully.  He helps them when they fall, tries to make them laugh and teaches them new things.  Just today he helped Sully put together two puzzles.

If there is a picture in the dictionary for sassy Addison would be featured.  Addison is wise beyond her years. She reminds me of a girlfriend that I would hang out with on a regular basis and is the mother of the group.  In fact, she told me today that she wants to have 10 babies when she grows up.  She would make a wonderful mother which is weird of me to say since she is only three but she is like a second mother to Olivia and Sully.  When Olivia cries she know to distract her by grabbing her favorite doll and she knows when to make her laugh and when to comfort her.  Addison also loves to wrestle around with Sully.  Those two are always giggling and laughing. About what I haven't a clue since Sully can barely talk but Addie knows what he is trying to say.

Sully is the spit fire of the group.  I think he is always looking to get a rise out of all of us.  I always laugh when he pushes Olivia or pulls Addison and Avery's hair.  He looks over at me with his grin.  Yes, I know it is wrong to push, shove and pull hair but his grin makes me laugh. Sully knows what he did is wrong but he does it anyway to stir up the pot and make some noise.  Sully makes me giggle when I get home at the end of the day.

Olivia is developing quite the personality. She is repeating pretty much everything so I have to watch what I say around her.  She loves all the kids but has developed a strong friendship with Addison.  Those two are inseparable during the day. Olivia is always playing dolls, brushing her hair, playing tea party, dressing up or reading.  Yes, I said reading - Olivia has been reading since she was 12 months old.  http://www.yourbabycanread.com/ it really works!  Olivia is now starting to throw fits when Sully takes things from her.  They fight like brother and sister which is kind of cute to watch. 

All of them have completely changed my life for the better.  Although it can be exhausting at times when I look at my life with a fresh set of eyes I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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