Driving in the car yesterday I could hear my 5 year old niece Avery, way back of the suburban, ask me "Where do babies come from Auntie Em?" Uh...oh! My mind went blank and I kept thinking to myself, say something, anything....but nothing came out! Avery does this to me every once in a while. She leaves me speechless. The only thing that came into my head that would make sense to a five year old is if two people love each other and they ask God he will give you one? Then I remembered a doctor once saying: "If you are straight with kids and tell them the truth they will most likely say "OK" and usually won't ask again". Nothing would come out of my mouth.
Then I heard her tiny voice again....but this time a more specific question. "Auntie Em how does the baby get in to your tummy?" Well, I can't say the God answer now because I am pretty sure she won't buy that one and I definitely do not want to have "the talk" with her yet. Yikes! How in the heck do I answer this question?
I immediately I started talking to Addison about what we should make for lunch. I completely ignored her and she didn't ask again. Whew!
I didn't think I would be hearing this question yet! All I know is I need to be prepared the next time she asks.
If anyone knows how I should answer this question I am all ears! Until then I will be researching the book stores and asking friends and family.
Search Amazon.com for where do babies come from
avery if you are a good girl and let me take you to bed I will show you how babies are made, we will have so much fun together